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4. Cogan, Mordecai. "Chronology", ABD 1 (1992) 1002-1011.
5. Jepsen, Alfred/ Hanhart, Robert. Untersuchungen zur israelitisch-j웓ischen Chronologie (Beiheft zur Zeitschrift f웦 die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft[=BZAW] 88). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1964.
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3.3. 이스라엘 역사 관련 자료 (아래 4.2 참고)
1. 장일선. 구약성서시대의 역사기록. 서울: 한국신학연구소, 1984.
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10. Horn, Siegffried H. Light from the Dust Heaps. > S.H.호온 지음. 장수돈, 오강남 옮김. 성서고고학입문. 서울: 대한기독교서회, 1965.
11. Millard, Allan. Treasures from Bible Times. Lion Publishing plc, 1985 > 알란 밀라드 지음. 정태현 옮김. 성서시대의 보물들. 서울: 바오로딸, 1992.
12. Aharoni, Yohanan. Tr. Rainey, Anson F. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. Philadelphia: Westerminster Press, 1982(히브리어로는 1978).
13. Dever, William G. "Archaeology, Syro-Palestinian and Biblicel", ABD I(1992) 354-367.
14. Finegan, J. Discovering Israel. An Archaeological Guide to the Holy Land. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981.
15. Fritz, Volkmar. "Bibelwissenschaft I/1. Arch둶logie(Alter Orient und Pal둺tina)", TRE VI (1980) 316-345.
16. Fritz, Volkmar. Einf웘rung in die biblische Arch둶logie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1985.> Fritz, Volkmar. An Introduction to Biblical Archaeology (JSOT Suppement Series 172). Sheffield: Academic Press, 1994.
17. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Archaeology in the Holy Land, London: Benn, 21965. > 냕ersetzt von v. Mertens, Christine. Arch둶logie im Heiligen Land. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 21976.
18. Lance, H.Darell. The Old Testament and the Archaeologist. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.
19. Mazar, Amihai. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible. New York a.o.: Double Day, 1990.
20. Wright, G.E. Biblical Archaeology. Philadelphia: The Westerminster Press, 1957.
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