1>전화기 수화기를 제대로 놓아라
> Put down the receiver properly.
> Put down the receiver properly.
2>지금 전화통화해도 괜찮을까요?"
>are you free with talking on the phone now?
>are you free with talking on the phone now?
> Who is it? = Who is calling, please? = May I ask who's calling, please?
참고) 마지막 제일 긴 문장이 가장 공손한 표현
> Who is it? = Who is calling, please? = May I ask who's calling, please?
참고) 마지막 제일 긴 문장이 가장 공손한 표현
4>저 상원인데요.
==> This is 상원.
==> This is 상원.
5>엄마 없는데요.
> Mommy is not here right now.
> Mommy is not here right now.
6>상원이 없는데요.
> 상원 is not here right now.
> 상원 is not here right now.
7>엄마 좀 바꿔 주세요.
> May I speak to mommy, please?
> May I speak to mommy, please?
8>상원이 좀 바꿔 주세요.
==> May I speak to 상원, please?
==> May I speak to 상원, please?
9>지금 통화중인데요.
> She(He) is on the phone. = The line is busy now.
> She(He) is on the phone. = The line is busy now.
> Speaking. = This is she(he).
> Speaking. = This is she(he).
11>나중에 다시 전화 할께요.
> I'll call again later.
> I'll call again later.
> I'm hanging up.
> I'm hanging up.
13> 수화기 엄마한테 줘
> Put mom on the phone. Let me get the phone.
> Put mom on the phone. Let me get the phone.
14>누구한테 전화하는거니? Who are you calling?
15> 아빠에게 전화를 걸고 있어.
>I am calling./I am calling daddy on the telephone.
>I am calling./I am calling daddy on the telephone.
16>.할머니에게 안부전화해보자.
>Let's call Grandma to say hello.
>Let's call Grandma to say hello.
17> 할머니에게 잘지내셨는지 물어보렴
>Why don't you say "How are you doing, Grandma?"
>Why don't you say "How are you doing, Grandma?"
8> 할머니가 뭐라고 하셨니? 그래서 너는 뭐라고 대답했어?
>What did she say? So what did you say to her?
>What did she say? So what did you say to her?
19>전화해서 아빠한테 맛있는거 사오라고 하자<핸드폰으로>
>Let's call Daddy and ask him to buy you some snacks.
>Let's call Daddy and ask him to buy you some snacks.
20>아빠 전화도 안받네!<핸드폰으로 전화해도 신호만 걸릴뿐 안받네요>
>Your dad don't answer the phon.
Your Daddy does not answer the phone.
>Your dad don't answer the phon.
Your Daddy does not answer the phone.
21>아빠 전화연결이 안돼네!
>Well.. we can't get Daddy on the phone.
>Well.. we can't get Daddy on the phone.
22>전화 올때가 다됐네!
It's about time the phone will ring.
It's about time the phone will ring.
23> 엄마 바꿔 드릴께요(전화통화)
>I'll put Mommy on.
>I'll put Mommy on.
24> 엄마 바꿔 주기 싢어요
>I don't want to give the receiver to Mommy.
>I don't want to give the receiver to Mommy.
25> 누구한테 전화 하려구?
>Who are you going to call?
>Who are you going to call?
26> 누구랑 통화하는거야?
Who are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
27> 아빠랑 통화중이니?
I>Are you talking to Daddy on the phone?
**다시한번 정리 해봅니다
전화관련 예문이 또 있어서리^^<중복이 있으면 복습한번 더하세요!>
제목: 전화 걸고 받을 때 회화모음
1. 여보세요, 주디의 집입니다.
Hello, Judy's residence.
2. 여보세요, 주디와 통화할 수 있을까요?
Hello, May I speak to Judy?
3. 없는데요.
Sorry, she’s not in.
4. 방금 나갔는데요.
She just stepped out.
5. 언제나 올까요?
When do you expect her?
6. 주디가 금방 올거예요.
Judy should be home shortly.
7. 어디신가요?
Where you calling from?
8. (전화거신 분) 누구신가요?
Who's calling, please?
9. 거기 000-0000번인가요?
Is this 000-0000?
10. 그런 사람(그런 이름을 가진 사람) 없는데요.
There’s no one here by that name.
11. 전화 잘못 거신 것 같은데요.
Maybe you mis dialed. , a wrong number
12. 집 전화번호
Home phone number. Private phone number.
13. 회사 전화번호
company phone number. business phone number.
14. 휴대폰 번호
cell phone number
15. 공중전화
pay phone. public (tele)phone.
16. 내 전화번호 알고 있나요?
Do you have my phone number.?
17. 주디 전화번호 좀 알려주세요.
Give me Judy's phone number, please.
18. (공공기관 같은 곳에서 전화받는 사람이) 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
How can I help you?
19. 친절하시군요.
You are very kind.
20. 천만에요. 뭘요.
You are welcome. Don’t mention it.
21. 전화주셔서 고맙습니다.
Thank you for calling.
22. 기다리세요
Hold on, please.
23. 메모 전해드릴까요?
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I take a message?
24. 예, 접니다.
Yes, speaking.
Yes, this is speaking.
(여자인 경우)Yes, she is speaking.
25. 말좀 전해주시겠어요?
Will you take a message?
26. 나에게 있다가 전화해달라고 전해주실래요?
Will you ask her to call me later?
27. 그녀에게 전할께요.
I'll tell her
I>Are you talking to Daddy on the phone?
**다시한번 정리 해봅니다
전화관련 예문이 또 있어서리^^<중복이 있으면 복습한번 더하세요!>
제목: 전화 걸고 받을 때 회화모음
1. 여보세요, 주디의 집입니다.
Hello, Judy's residence.
2. 여보세요, 주디와 통화할 수 있을까요?
Hello, May I speak to Judy?
3. 없는데요.
Sorry, she’s not in.
4. 방금 나갔는데요.
She just stepped out.
5. 언제나 올까요?
When do you expect her?
6. 주디가 금방 올거예요.
Judy should be home shortly.
7. 어디신가요?
Where you calling from?
8. (전화거신 분) 누구신가요?
Who's calling, please?
9. 거기 000-0000번인가요?
Is this 000-0000?
10. 그런 사람(그런 이름을 가진 사람) 없는데요.
There’s no one here by that name.
11. 전화 잘못 거신 것 같은데요.
Maybe you mis dialed. , a wrong number
12. 집 전화번호
Home phone number. Private phone number.
13. 회사 전화번호
company phone number. business phone number.
14. 휴대폰 번호
cell phone number
15. 공중전화
pay phone. public (tele)phone.
16. 내 전화번호 알고 있나요?
Do you have my phone number.?
17. 주디 전화번호 좀 알려주세요.
Give me Judy's phone number, please.
18. (공공기관 같은 곳에서 전화받는 사람이) 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
How can I help you?
19. 친절하시군요.
You are very kind.
20. 천만에요. 뭘요.
You are welcome. Don’t mention it.
21. 전화주셔서 고맙습니다.
Thank you for calling.
22. 기다리세요
Hold on, please.
23. 메모 전해드릴까요?
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I take a message?
24. 예, 접니다.
Yes, speaking.
Yes, this is speaking.
(여자인 경우)Yes, she is speaking.
25. 말좀 전해주시겠어요?
Will you take a message?
26. 나에게 있다가 전화해달라고 전해주실래요?
Will you ask her to call me later?
27. 그녀에게 전할께요.
I'll tell her
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