Each of the sentences below has at least one error.
Work with a partner to correct errors
1. 우리 가족은 다섯명 입니다
My family is five members.
→ My family has five members. 또는 There are five members in my family.
Work with a partner to correct errors
1. 우리 가족은 다섯명 입니다
My family is five members.
→ My family has five members. 또는 There are five members in my family.
2. 제 영어실력이 부족합니다
My English is short.
→ My English is poor.
My English is short.
→ My English is poor.
3. 시내에 갑시다
Let's go to the downtown
→ Let's go downtown. (downtown은 부사이므로 to삭제)
Let's go to the downtown
→ Let's go downtown. (downtown은 부사이므로 to삭제)
4. 난 돈이 없어요
I have not money.
→ I have no money.
I have not money.
→ I have no money.
5. 그녀는 나보다 다섯살 어리다
She is younger than I five years.
→ She is younger than I by five years.
She is younger than I five years.
→ She is younger than I by five years.
6. 그녀의 블라우스는 녹색이다
Her blouse is green color.
→ Her blouse is green.(color불필요)
Her blouse is green color.
→ Her blouse is green.(color불필요)
7. 난 노래하는 것을 즐긴다
I enjoyed singing a song
→ I enjoyed singing. (singing만으로 충분)
I enjoyed singing a song
→ I enjoyed singing. (singing만으로 충분)
8. 숙제가 많아요.
I have many homeworks.
→ I have much homework.(s삭제)
I have many homeworks.
→ I have much homework.(s삭제)
9. 나는 자정에 잠을 잔다.
In midnight, I go to bed.
→ At midnight , I go to bed.
In midnight, I go to bed.
→ At midnight , I go to bed.
10. 나는 저녁을 맛있게 먹었다.
I ate dinner deliciously.
→ I had good lunch.(표현의 자연스러움)
I ate dinner deliciously.
→ I had good lunch.(표현의 자연스러움)
11. 영화가 재미없어서 지루했다.
I was boring because the movie wasn't exciting.
→ I was bored because the movie wasn't exciting.
12. 대부분 한국인들이 그렇게 생각한다.
Most of Koreans think like that.
→ Most Koreans think like that.(of 불필요)
13. 돈 좀 빌려 줄 수 있나요?
Can you borrow some money?
→ Can you lend some money?
14. 나는 기타를 친다.
I play a guitar.
→ I played the guitar.
15. 우리는 토요일에 대개 볼링을 치러 간다.
We usually play bowling on Saturday.
→ We usually go bowling on Saturday.
16. 쉬는게 좋겠어요.
You need to take a relax.
→ You need to take a rest.
17. 사랑은 다양해서 설명하기 어렵다
Love is various and hard to explain.
→ Love is varied and hard to explain.
Love is various and hard to explain.
→ Love is varied and hard to explain.
18. 여동생은 머리색깔이 검다.
My sister have a black hair.
→ My sister has black hair. (s삭제 hair는 셀 수 없음)
19. 그는 키가 크고 잘생겼다.
He looks like tall and handsome.
→ He is tall and handsome.
20. 제가 막내 아들이에요.
I'm youngest son.
→ I'm the youngest son.
21. 박씨가 저의 성입니다.
Park is familyname.
→ Park is my family name.
My sister have a black hair.
→ My sister has black hair. (s삭제 hair는 셀 수 없음)
19. 그는 키가 크고 잘생겼다.
He looks like tall and handsome.
→ He is tall and handsome.
20. 제가 막내 아들이에요.
I'm youngest son.
→ I'm the youngest son.
21. 박씨가 저의 성입니다.
Park is familyname.
→ Park is my family name.
22. 나는 어제 TV를 보았다.
I was watched TV yesterday.
→ I watched TV yesterday.
I was watched TV yesterday.
→ I watched TV yesterday.
23. 대부분 학생들은 열심히 공부한다.
Most of students study hard.
→ Most of the students study hard.
24. 미치도록 바쁜 하루였다.
I have been a hectic day.
→ It has been a hectic day.
Most of students study hard.
→ Most of the students study hard.
24. 미치도록 바쁜 하루였다.
I have been a hectic day.
→ It has been a hectic day.
25. 제일 좋아하는 영화배우는?
What is your favorite actor?
→ Who is your favorite actor?
What is your favorite actor?
→ Who is your favorite actor?
26. 나는 5년전에 졸업했다.
I graduated five years before.
→ I graduated five years ago.
I graduated five years before.
→ I graduated five years ago.
27. 그 약은 효과 가 없다.
The medicine wasn't work.
→ The medicine wasn't working.
The medicine wasn't work.
→ The medicine wasn't working.
28. 김치는 우리 건강에 좋다.
Kimchi is very healthful to us.
→ Kimchi is very healthy for us.
Kimchi is very healthful to us.
→ Kimchi is very healthy for us.
29. 내 생일은 이 달 24일입니다.
My birthday is in the 24th this month.
→ My birthday is on the 24th of this month.
My birthday is in the 24th this month.
→ My birthday is on the 24th of this month.
출처 : 블로그 > ♡스위스쮜리히대학원♡ | 글쓴이 : 친절맨 [원문보기]
출처 : ♡스위스쮜리히대학원♡
글쓴이 : 친절맨 원글보기
메모 :
'지식iN > 영어정복하기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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